

Room and Roommate Consolidation for Campus Residents

Occasionally, assigned roommates may choose not to attend the University or withdraw shortly after the semester begins. As a result, some residents may find themselves in an incomplete room or apartment without a roommate. After the third week of the fall semester, students residing alone in a room will be required to cooperate with the University to consolidate room assignments.  As copied below, this policy is also outlined in the 住房 Terms and Conditions Constract as agreed to by all assigned students at the time of housing application submission.

  1. UD reserves the right to make temporary housing assignments and to change housing assignments as deemed appropriate in the sole and absolute discretion of UD. 学生 assigned to a multi-occupancy room agree to accept other roommates assigned to fill vacancies, or to 移动 into a different housing assignment, if requested.

Residents who find themselves without a roommate will be contacted about consolidation. If you find yourself in that circumstance, please respond to official communications about consolidation as soon as possible rather than attempting to delay the inevitable. Below are your options:

  1. Request to pay the additional cost for ‘single status in a double room’ and stay in the current room (discuss additional cost first with your parents);
  2. Relocate to another room with a student in a similar circumstance;
  3. Accept a new roommate in the current room.

Option 1 is easy if you can access the available funds.The Office of Student Affairs strongly suggests that you discuss this option with your parents prior to make a formal request for this privilege. 选项2 & 3 can be more difficult, as no one likes to 移动. Pro staff will do everything possible to make the process comfortable, but whether you 移动, or the other person does, someone must relocate. Sometimes it comes down to a coin flip if an agreement cannot be reached between consolidating residents. Refusal to relocate is not an option and students failing to comply are subject to disciplinary action. Failure to respond to official communications regarding consolidation will not be accepted as a reason for failure to consolidate. Privacy is at a premium on our campus.  If you've lost your roommate for any reason, it is not reasonable to expect to pay the same room rate as those who are living with a roommate.  

The Residence Coordinator or Director of Residence Life will assist with issues that impede this process. Failure to consolidate by either accepting a new roommate or moving in with another resident will result in the University declaring the room as Single-in-a-Double and automatically charging the student the higher published rate.  Requests for Single-in-a-Double status during this process will be considered on a case-by-case basis and are subject to formal application review and official approval.  When there is no one left to consolidate and one resident remains without a roommate, no extra charge is automatically assessed to the student. However, this is with the understanding that the second bed in the room is available for assignment to another student should the need arise at any time.

学生 are consolidated regardless of classification or age. However, due to maturity concerns, the Office of Student Affairs does not consolidate freshmen with upperclassmen.  

Additional questions regarding this process may be sent to